Hyrul's Pick:
This is not a love song - Nouvelle Vague
Get up - Ciara ft. Charmillionaire
Times nowadays have dramatically changed. Times of when car manufacturers develop cars and new prototype as a symbol of their creativity, innovation and dynamics have gone. Manufacturers (especially younger ones) tend to just develop copycat cars intentionally for profit. Not only that, it also seems some of the leading giants have also lost their touch. Mercedes and Audi strive desperately to separate drivers from the actual task of driving. Everything have been simplified to electronics which drives the car for you (no wonder everybody passes the driving test). BMW claims to have redeveloped the sports sedan to a whole new level, but obviously missed out on the design and styling factors. i no longer view the latest 3 , 5, 7 and X series with awe. We've been separated from the pleasure of traveling and the journey, it's all about getting there faster. Technology is good but overdosing it kills all the fun.
Where have all the grease monkey owners gone to? We usually take pride in the ability to at least check up on our car. Now we can't even change the tire by ourselves (most female drivers don't even know how to "pop" the hood) due to the fact that it doesn't burst. Owners can no longer survive without a service center within proximity of our homes or offices. Yes, aside from the random supercars and sports car model variants, there is very little a that mass production car can evoke out of a driver.
However, all is not lost. There is one car manufacturer which seems to be stuck in time when it comes to car development, Alfa Romeo. This is the name which scares most accountants, economist and the usual tightwad, simply because of Alfas huge tendency to depreciate like a stone. But.. and thats a huge BUT.. Alfa makes cars which are absolutely breath taking....

(Not your ordinary run of the mill production car)
And when i mean thier stuck in time, it's not in terms of technology or design, it's just that they refuse to disconnect the driver from the pleasures of pure open road driving.
most Alfa models are design to look good and perform even better, No manufacturers that i know of now (asides Alfa) which haven't succumbed to covering thier engine bay with plastics to hide the mechanical parts.

(They've Chromed the inlet pipe on the engine. No need for shiny aftermarket gizmos like in any other Proton.)
The Italians are obsessed with style, grunt and design. The police have uniforms designed by Fendi and Gucci, and the interior of the Alfas are a shining example of this passion. 
(Dash and Instruments are clear and percise, no sat-nav voices intruding either)
You'd look forward to getting into the car every morning to go to work. I'll bet some drivers would take the longer way home if possible just to enjoy the feel and rush from the balanced chassis and blessed interior.

(Stylish+Sporty Interior exudes drivers senses, Equipment isn't kept bare, sound systems by Bose.)
The last time i drove a 156 GTa, i felt so good that i was compelled to yell towards every passing BMW or Mercedes that they've made the wrong decision. Yes i know the car depreciates but if you do decided to buy it, (please do! or just go for a test drive) keep it! don't bother about selling it at all just use it everyday till it rots. i emplore you go for a drive in one, speed through country roads, exceed the speed limit, live a little. You won't regret.

(You buy this, and people call u a real-driver never a boy racer)