Hyrul's Pick:
Starsailor - Silence is Easy
Hide & Seek - Imogen Heap
have anyone noticed the lack of sun in Malaysian weather lately?
man.. the beach was great but cloudy and grim skies taints some of the experience...
but as usual, the sea zephyrs kept blowing,
faithfully as ever and always calming..
damn i'm averaging a pack a day as of late..
probably due to classes being tight packed..
my schedule for this term has disallow me from any hard fell enjoyment..
plus due to it being a short sem,
means i have 7 weeks before grueling torturing exams..
(finals are like flesh eating bacterias)
my lecturers have shunned me a grave many disturbing things..
assignments, test, projects, and classes...
oh yea.... this is turning out well indeed...
*banging head against CPU table*
oh and what is up with the Malaysian police? click
is bad enough that we've got baddies and criminals out there,
doing whatever they seem please...
now we've got the cops commiting crimes and voilating rights aswell?
i opened the paper today and i counted 4 murders...
unsolved.. and no suspects apprehended..
wtf?!! Malaysia is no longer the safe haven we all thought it to be....
the front page states:
police concentrating efforts to falsely accused self-proclaim Billionaire Dr. Ellie (<---may have name wrong) of some financial scandal..
while rape, theft, murder, gangs, and vandalism increase exponentially...
forget petty crimes like speeding summons, club raids and pirated VCDs/DVDs for a bit will ya?
Maaann... this really sucks..
no wonder people yell "fuck the police!!"