23 June 2006

The One With The Presentation

Hyrul's Pick:

Be in tokyo - Teriyaki Boyz
Rockstar - NERD


I am sooooOOoo Bored...
waiting for a presentation for Oracle SQL Forms...
I miss my baby...
I miss my frens...
most of all...
i miss sleeping..

Any of you watched Fast n Furious Tokyo Drift yet?
go watch!! Now!!


ding! fries are done!
ding! fries are done!
ding! fries are done!
would u like an apple pie with that?

thank you sir come again!


Girl of the Week:



08 June 2006

The one where Hairvl returns

Hyruls pick:

Tempereture - Sean Paul
Starting Over - The Cystal Method


Hi everyone..
forgive my sabbatical....
my excuse?

it's so wonderful to live rather than juz write about it..
so yea.. been goin out..
my car..

yea kinda been having my own blast of life...
i'll try updating more from now on...
this is a short one so ...


did u know in french if u wanna say "yes",
u say "wee-wee"?... (hehehhehe)
dats so fricking hilarious.....!!!!!!!!

ok man thats enough...
i gotta end this cos i gotta go take a
wicked "yes"...

