17 January 2008

The One with Facing Decisions

Hyrul's Pick:

Feelings Show - Colbie Caillat
Goodnight goodnight - Maroon 5


When do adults realize when they have to grow up? Because honestly i think i've come across this point again and again in my life, with every coming birthday and with every passing year i decide that something about me has to or have changed. I walk away unscathed every single time, lessons learned, mistakes taken into account and overcame. Strange thing is, every time you move up a level and you think you've done well, the flood waters rises pushing you higher and higher.

Time is a funny thing, it just won't stop to let you catch your breath. Once you set one decision and made your move the aftermaths chases you till you hit the next fork in the road. I think now i'm at the most terrifying junction in my life, certainly the hardest i've ever faced. Here and now is a set of decisions which i have to make, and i stand alone in this, and i need to face them alone.

Some part of me is now glad that i'm no longer tied down, actually most part of me is. It sucks yes, but all the challenges i am bound to face ahead is too much of a task for me to handle with my focus split between things. I need to find my own independence before helping anyone else with theirs, i've done my best with her and i honestly think she can take it from here.

It was easy helping her with her choices then because i was at that level at one point and time in my life. I was caught up in the process so much so that my life became one with hers. Now i can't be distracted no longer from starting this new chapter in my life.

here nobody can help me,
here i decide where to go.

I guess i owe a thank you. You've made it easier. Can't stay mad or in the past forever. Because even forever doesn't last. I started with Depression, followed through with Bargaining, then Denial came, soon Anger, and finally now Acceptance is over with. I've mourned and resolved my sorrows, sorry if I'm here too soon for you but i got a head start remember? Time we move on with our next pursuit of happiness. Time once again to grow up and change. The cycle doesn't stop just because we choose to.

I miss you and you bring out a smile in me as well. Hope things work out alright.



not anymore ... =p


- End -

The One with The Long Con

Hyrul's Pick:

Redline - Movie
Strict Machine – Goldfrapp


RVL says:
hey u know its ok if u shout fire when there's none but your getting rob or raped
Mr. Skinny says:
it will pass as self defense if they wanna charge u for false "watever its called"
RVL says:
RVL says:
well apparently u cant shout rape or perompak when there's a fire
Mr. Skinny says:
go download dexter and watch
RVL says:
believe me i know.. they made such a big deal out of it.. had to sit me down for a talk
Mr. Skinny says:
well thats because they wont be prepared to bring an extinguisher with them
Mr. Skinny says:
an extinguisher is multipurpose =)
Mr. Skinny says:
see a rapist, blow them, see a robber, blow them, see a fire, blow them
Mr. Skinny says:
Mr. Skinny says:
if u shout rape and appear at the fire scene with a pepper spray its pretty much useless isnt it
Mr. Skinny says:
or appear at a fire scene with a baseball bat, a bit useless also rite
Mr. Skinny says:
Mr. Skinny says:
catch my pointless drift?
RVL says:
well apparently u cant play football naked either
Mr. Skinny says:
go download the tv series called dexter, serial killer cum forensic
Mr. Skinny says:
yeah, imagine a sidewinder goes up ur dick... die wei
RVL says:
and they really stress tht to play football u need to have a ball
Mr. Skinny says:
or the adidas f50
Mr. Skinny says:
well, hence the name
RVL says:
they said i was just running around naked
Mr. Skinny says:
wat the fuck were u doing running naked and claiming ur playing football
Mr. Skinny says:
u shouldve said ur playing imaginary football to shut em up
RVL says:
i was playing football
Mr. Skinny says:
Mr. Skinny says:
without a ball
RVL says:
RVL says:
Mr. Skinny says:
wat u using? can? bottle cap?
RVL says:
the police are quite sensitive bout these things
Mr. Skinny says:
they're paid to do stupid stuff... watdya think, low pay... to catch low level crime
Mr. Skinny says:
high pay, ...well... means theyre taking bribes
RVL says:
RVL says:
RVL says:
and apparently if astro is down they dont count it as an emergency
Mr. Skinny says:
of course not, there's tv1,2,3 and ntv7 and channel 8
RVL says:
i do stupid stuff
RVL says:
well astro has CSI
RVL says:
and you can't call em and sa uthink your neighbours husband is having an affair
RVL says:
they just hang up
Mr. Skinny says:
hmm gotta try that one day
RVL says:
owh and u cant report a missing dog if its not really missing
RVL says:
and u cant report missing cats
Mr. Skinny says:
RVL says:
and u cant call the fire dept like in us or uk if yur cat is stuck up a three
RVL says:
this is a stupid country
RVL says:
and today i found out u cant charge flamers and report them
Mr. Skinny says:
Mr. Skinny says:
yes u can
Mr. Skinny says:
RVL says:
well they dont wanna handle it
Mr. Skinny says:
report them
Mr. Skinny says:
to newspapers and all
RVL says:
especially after i showed them the funny police crash posts
Mr. Skinny says:
RVL says:
i love fucking with u Mr. Skinny
RVL says:
u take me too seriously
Mr. Skinny says:
i will kill u someday, remember that
RVL says:
none of the things we've talked about for the past 15 mins has been true
RVL says:
Mr. Skinny says:
u distracted me from my tv series for all that
Mr. Skinny says:
i swear
Mr. Skinny says:
u will get it one day
RVL says:
RVL says:
i know
RVL says:
but at least u've cheered me up
RVL says:
this is for telling me u blog about non stick stuff
Mr. Skinny says:
u wont be happy for long... when i get my hands on u
Mr. Skinny says:
and i will use a blunt tool on u!
Mr. Skinny says:
bludgeoning is my style
Mr. Skinny says:
u wait
RVL says:
i wont go golf with u for a while
Mr. Skinny says:
i dont care
RVL says:
i think yur nicer when yur nice
RVL says:
and drunk
Mr. Skinny says:
-.- shutup



16 January 2008

The One with The Tards

Hyrul's Pick:

The A500 -Klaus Badelt & Mark Batson
Downtown Tokyo Chase - Brian Tyler


Due to popular demand from those noticing the past dramas in this particular page, i give you a tribute to the nonsensical curse word make ups that we've been coming up with. All thanks owed to we all know who.

So the bloody list that is the brainchild of a few sleep deprived friends over msn:



and then we gave up and went to bed....



15 January 2008

The One with The Mood Swings

Hyrul's Pick:

My Favourite Game - The Cardigans
I Won't Go Home Without You - Maroon 5


since everybody is so worked up and beginning to act like potty mouths, i'd thought i'd treat you guys to some change in usually sad and mundane entries.


