17 January 2008

The One with The Long Con

Hyrul's Pick:

Redline - Movie
Strict Machine – Goldfrapp


RVL says:
hey u know its ok if u shout fire when there's none but your getting rob or raped
Mr. Skinny says:
it will pass as self defense if they wanna charge u for false "watever its called"
RVL says:
RVL says:
well apparently u cant shout rape or perompak when there's a fire
Mr. Skinny says:
go download dexter and watch
RVL says:
believe me i know.. they made such a big deal out of it.. had to sit me down for a talk
Mr. Skinny says:
well thats because they wont be prepared to bring an extinguisher with them
Mr. Skinny says:
an extinguisher is multipurpose =)
Mr. Skinny says:
see a rapist, blow them, see a robber, blow them, see a fire, blow them
Mr. Skinny says:
Mr. Skinny says:
if u shout rape and appear at the fire scene with a pepper spray its pretty much useless isnt it
Mr. Skinny says:
or appear at a fire scene with a baseball bat, a bit useless also rite
Mr. Skinny says:
Mr. Skinny says:
catch my pointless drift?
RVL says:
well apparently u cant play football naked either
Mr. Skinny says:
go download the tv series called dexter, serial killer cum forensic
Mr. Skinny says:
yeah, imagine a sidewinder goes up ur dick... die wei
RVL says:
and they really stress tht to play football u need to have a ball
Mr. Skinny says:
or the adidas f50
Mr. Skinny says:
well, hence the name
RVL says:
they said i was just running around naked
Mr. Skinny says:
wat the fuck were u doing running naked and claiming ur playing football
Mr. Skinny says:
u shouldve said ur playing imaginary football to shut em up
RVL says:
i was playing football
Mr. Skinny says:
Mr. Skinny says:
without a ball
RVL says:
RVL says:
Mr. Skinny says:
wat u using? can? bottle cap?
RVL says:
the police are quite sensitive bout these things
Mr. Skinny says:
they're paid to do stupid stuff... watdya think, low pay... to catch low level crime
Mr. Skinny says:
high pay, ...well... means theyre taking bribes
RVL says:
RVL says:
RVL says:
and apparently if astro is down they dont count it as an emergency
Mr. Skinny says:
of course not, there's tv1,2,3 and ntv7 and channel 8
RVL says:
i do stupid stuff
RVL says:
well astro has CSI
RVL says:
and you can't call em and sa uthink your neighbours husband is having an affair
RVL says:
they just hang up
Mr. Skinny says:
hmm gotta try that one day
RVL says:
owh and u cant report a missing dog if its not really missing
RVL says:
and u cant report missing cats
Mr. Skinny says:
RVL says:
and u cant call the fire dept like in us or uk if yur cat is stuck up a three
RVL says:
this is a stupid country
RVL says:
and today i found out u cant charge flamers and report them
Mr. Skinny says:
Mr. Skinny says:
yes u can
Mr. Skinny says:
RVL says:
well they dont wanna handle it
Mr. Skinny says:
report them
Mr. Skinny says:
to newspapers and all
RVL says:
especially after i showed them the funny police crash posts
Mr. Skinny says:
RVL says:
i love fucking with u Mr. Skinny
RVL says:
u take me too seriously
Mr. Skinny says:
i will kill u someday, remember that
RVL says:
none of the things we've talked about for the past 15 mins has been true
RVL says:
Mr. Skinny says:
u distracted me from my tv series for all that
Mr. Skinny says:
i swear
Mr. Skinny says:
u will get it one day
RVL says:
RVL says:
i know
RVL says:
but at least u've cheered me up
RVL says:
this is for telling me u blog about non stick stuff
Mr. Skinny says:
u wont be happy for long... when i get my hands on u
Mr. Skinny says:
and i will use a blunt tool on u!
Mr. Skinny says:
bludgeoning is my style
Mr. Skinny says:
u wait
RVL says:
i wont go golf with u for a while
Mr. Skinny says:
i dont care
RVL says:
i think yur nicer when yur nice
RVL says:
and drunk
Mr. Skinny says:
-.- shutup




Atolycus said...


Anonymous said...

this is what you were talking about today? lol.

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