29 September 2009


Rvl’s Pick:

Alex Mercer’s Revenge – College Humor (YouTube)

I’ve just had a stunning revelation, turns out, the one thing I spend most of my time concentrating on with is not the Lava Girl, or the Akai Onna or the Family… it’s the little flip up plastic thing I call my laptop. Be it at work or home or any random coffee shoppe.

This is very worrying, I think I’ll start calling it Sandra. Hey if I’m gonna commit so much of my time to something then I damn well like it to be able to have a pretty name. So as a heads up, if I’m not free most of the time, you all can blame Sandra.


28 September 2009


Rvl’s Pick:

The Vampire’s Assistant – Darren Shan

(Teenage Read)

If comic books were any true to life we’d have vigilantes’ superheroes roaming the streets right now. A recent scuttle involving a snatch crime got Reds and my blood running. I guess it’s much to hope for someone like Batman or your local friendly neighbourhood Spiderman to appear and save the day.

People should really take things into their own hands. The police are too busy squeezing bribes from the community. Can’t wait till I get the new diesel, then Reds and I can introduce our own brand of justice, Alex Mercer style.

I digress…..


10 September 2009

Momma aint getting no cock

Rvl's Pick:

Skin Diver (Steve Aoki Keyboard Club Dub) - Duran Duran Ft Timbaland


One day, a little boy, was outside in the backyard stomping on honeybees.

When his father came out and saw what the little boy was doing, he made him stop right away and told the little boy, "That's it for you. No honey for a week."

Well, then the little boy went to the front yard of the house and started stomping on butterflies. When his father saw what Teddy was doing, he made him stop right away and said, "Stomping on butterflies is a terrible thing to do. Just for that, no butter for a week."

After that, little boy and his father went into the kitchen and saw the little boy's mother stomping on cockroaches.

The little boy turned to his father and said, "Should I tell her or should you?"



09 September 2009

Once upon a time, he said “Fuck Off”

Rvl’s Pick:

All I See – Kylie Minogue

The warning you all see before entering my blog, states clearly that the content of this blog may or may not be to your liking. But its MY blog. MY rants. Regardless of who you are, or what the content is, (whether fact or fiction) should not be taken seriously.

These are my writings therefore the meaning and lessons are meant to be understood fully by me and me only. Just because I choose to share it doesn’t mean each and every one of you can go back and speculate whatever you think I meant from it. It’s not an open discussion and you shouldn’t be giving me any stick about it.

I shield the characters in my writing rather well and thus anyone of you who feel as if you’ve been offended by it because you think it’s you, then I suggest rethinking it. Don’t come to me because you won’t get an explanation. For all you know I maybe a crazy person making everything up.

Those close to me should understand enough that this is my space and my time, thus making it my rules when it comes to this blog and its contents. As long as I abide by Blogspot’s terms then I’m golden.
