04 April 2008

The One with The People's Request

Hyrul's Pick:

Say it Again - Marie Digby
Can't Stop - Red Hot Chilli Peppers


(Stolen from her page)

(Sane Version)

1. Choose a band/artist and answer ONLY in titles of their song
Kylie Minogue

2. Are you male or female?

3. Describe yourself:
Nothing to Lose

4. How do some people feel about you:
Difficult By Design

5. How do you feel about yourself:
Under The Influence

6. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
Red Blooded Woman

7. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:

8. Describe where you want to be:

9. Describe where you live:
Heaven & Earth

10. Describe how you live:
Some Kind Of Bliss

11. What would you ask for if you had just one wish?

12. Share a few words of Wisdom:
Better The Devil You Know

13. Any general advice:
Enjoy Yourself

14. Share a favorite pickup line:
Let's Get To It

15. And if that one doesn’t work:
All I Wanna Do Is Make You Mine

16. What secondary school do/did you attend:

17. Pepsi or coke:

18. Any pets?
This Girl

19. Favorite food:

20. Do you drink?
Like a Drug

21. Say goodbye:


(Insane Version)

1. Choose a band/artist and answer ONLY in titles of their song
Valentina Hasan

2. Are you male or female?
Tuliduu dibu douchooo

3. Describe yourself:
Tuliduu dibu douchooo

4. How do some people feel about you:
Tuliduu dibu douchooo

5. How do you feel about yourself:
Tuliduu dibu douchooo

6. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
Tuliduu dibu douchooo

7. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
Tuliduu dibu douchooo

8. Describe where you want to be:
Tuliduu dibu douchooo

9. Describe where you live:
Tuliduu dibu douchooo

10. Describe how you live:
Tuliduu dibu douchooo

11. What would you ask for if you had just one wish?
Ken Lee!!!

12. Share a few words of Wisdom:
Ken Lee!!!

13. Any general advice:
Ken Lee!!!

14. Share a favorite pickup line:
Ken Lee!!!

15. And if that one doesn’t work:
Ken Lee!!!

16. What secondary school do/did you attend:
Ken Lee!!!

17. Pepsi or coke:
Ken Lee!!!

18. Any pets?
Ken Lee!!!

19. Favorite food:
Ken Lee!!!

20. Do you drink?
Ken Lee!!!

21. Say goodbye:
Ken Leeeeeeeee!!!



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